u know, i think it's smart to stay with the same low price.
your customers will be pleased.

we think that the basis price should stay low.
it's wrong to raise prices just because market demand is going up fast.

right. with such competitive prices, your regular customers will buy only from u.
and i am sure you will get a lot of new customers.

i am just afraid we might start a price war.
the bigger compaies might lower their prices to try to take our customers away, and close us down.

if later they try to compete with u by lowering their prices
i think the consumers would know they had loaded prices before
and would feel cheated.

well, i do not think the consumers would know unless someone tells them.

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pain 招惹麻煩 惹人討厭的事/人
e.g. Mosquitoes is such a pain.

take great pains to do sth 煞費苦心

a pain in a neck 成天抱怨的人

total 合計 完全=complete

e.g. Despite the fire, the house was not a total ruin.

當在與人對話時, 有時我們會以 Totally!
welt 傷痕
They land on u, bite u ,suck out some blood and leave behind an itchy welt.
contrast with 對比

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1.cv= curriculum vitae

2.flaunt (n)炫耀
e.g. one shouldn't flaunt one's success.

3.underling (n)部屬

4.attachment(n)安裝 配件 附著 愛慕
e.g. she formed a strong attachment for him.

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This is Tom, phoning from England. We are at the conference.
Oh…hello Tom. Is it all going well? Is everything ok?
Yeah. We do need a few more brochures if u can send some.
Ok. We’ll send them by express. And please try to find a British agent who could represent us there.
Fine, we hadn't forgotten.

What sort of agent, exactly?
Someone to help us in Britain publicity, advertising and so on.
Ok. We will make enquiries. I’ll ring you again soon.
Thanks. Speak to you later. Thanks Tom. Say hello to Mary, bye.

cotulip 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I really think this price is too high.
A price has to be based on costs and the profit you want.

I know. But pricing has to be based on what customers want too, which differs from place to place and time to time.

Yes, experience shows the same product is priced differently in different markets.
But why so much higher in this market?

There are many rich people in this area, so a skimming price is ok and even needed, because they think only a high price means a good product.

But the market prices for other similar products are much lower.
Buyers will notice the flexibility in the price structure, and buy from other companies.

I don't think so. I think the others will have to raise their price ceiling to make customers believe that their products are as good as ours.

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1.shortly馬上 不久
e.g. let's wait a few minutes for fiona as she will be here shortly.

2.hassle 麻煩 困難
e.g. packing up all these decorations is such a hassle.

3.an arm and a leg 貴
e.g she buy a mp3. and it cost her an arm and a leg.

4. enchilada 辣椒肉餡玉米捲餅

grocery shopping
pizza 發音要注意(渣的音...非薩的音)

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1.implement(v)執行 實現(n)工具

2.renovate=remodel=refurbish=redecorate重修 重新

3.designate(v)委任 稱呼 標出指定(a)指定的 選定的
e.g. a minister desigante (a)

4.palatial 宮殿的 廣大的 宏壯的

5.venue 發生地 集合地

6.prestigious (a)有名望的


8.toss (v)投擲 突然抬起 擲(幣)(+to v/for) 打賭(+up) 拌(+in/with) 翻來翻去(+about) 甩頭離去
e.g. she tossed her head.
e.g. toss the cooked vegetable in butter.
e.g. let's toss to see who pays the bill.
e.g. he tossed about in his sleep all night.
e.g. he tossed out of the room in anger.

9. envision(v) 想像 展望

10.rejuvenation(n)回春 返老還童

11.ramp up (v)=build up=strengthen增進 增強
e.g we ramp up confidence to face the challenges.

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in short order=quickly
defrost 解凍
u can call a chef=cooker, cooker is 鍋 slow cooker慢燉鍋
u are a good cook/chef.
chef 是法國字...因此念sh的音..非ch的音
the hands on the clock approach 6.
=it's almost 6 o'clock.
=it's a few minutes before 6.

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sign a contract

draw up a contract 擬定

When I sign a cotract, do I need to pay a deposit?
pick up拿起來 檢起 選擇 搭乘 收集

1. pick u up at the airport

2. pick up pace 調整步調

3.pick up the most reliable agents 選擇可靠代理商

4.I had to pick up my train. 搭乘

5.The plane picked up speed. 加速

6.It's hard to pick up Radio. 難收聽到

7. I would like to pick up the point David made. = discuss

lobby (n)大廳(v)遊說

You can help lobby for animal welfare.
valid 有根據的 令人信服的(a)
e.g.Her argument is valid.=Her argument can hold water.

合法的 有效的(a)
e.g.The ticket is valid for one year.

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I have had many contacts with him. (n)

I want him to contact with Helen on this matter.

Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Please feel free to contact me at 123@yahoo.com.tw.

Please feel free to contact me on 1234567.


check 核對 檢查 同時有阻止限制的意思
e.g. We launch new products to check the rival's threat.

e.g.Helen tried very hard to check her feeling not to yell at her boyfriend.

check up = investigate
check-up(s) 健康檢查
e.g for a heart check-up.

e.g. He waved to a waiter and got a check.
2.check in = register
e.g. My boss and his wife checked in at the Grand Hotel.
Could I have the check?
Waiter! Check,please.

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1.play along
it mean u coperate with people pretend

2.play into someone's hands
e.g. if little fly buzzed closer and closer, playing right into the spider's hands.

3. u don't see me getting stuck,do u ?
it's not really a questions to ask u yes or no. it's for emphasize.

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